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Website Design on Offer. DIY needed!

Created On: November 22, 2024


If you’re in need of a website for your business, I can create a custom design for you using Wix, Shopify or Wordpress. Happy to create content from scratch, take photos, write articles/page content, create digital images and videos for you and even design a logo if you wish. I can add e-commerce store with your products for sale, connect a custom domain name, create content for your social media and show you how it all works so you can run it all afterwards (would just need you to pay for your hosting subscription & domain). In exchange I really need someone to help me with some domestic DIY that is out of my skill set / budget including replacement of a broken window in my kitchen and repairing old rendering on the side of the house which I think is leaking?? (scaffolding needed). I could also use some help with gardening/weeding/clearing, de-cluttering, cleaning & mould removal and some trips to the tip… Thanks!


Newquay, Cornwall


Offering: Website Design & Content Creation

Looking for: DIY

About the Swapper

Name: KittyKat


#1 Swapper